Δευτέρα 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Ο Matteo Renzi ζητάει τεχνογωσία από τον Alexis Tsipras

Ξημερώματα ώρα Ελλάδος και πιο ξημερώματα ώρα Ιταλίος, ο Μαθιός τηλεφώνησε στον Αλέξη για να τού ζητήσει συμβουλές για την αποφυγή τού Όχι στο δημοψήφισμα.
Η συνομιλία έγινε σε άπταιστα αγγλικά, ενώ τους δύο πολιτικούς συνέδραμαν τηλεφωνικοί ηλεκτρονικοί διερμηνείς οι οποίοι διερμήνευαν από τα απταιστοαγγλικά στα ιταλικά και στα ελληνικά.  Μπορέσαμε να διασώσουμε την αρχή τής αγγλικής συνομιλίας και την παρουσιάζουμε με αίσθημα ευθύνης.

Driiiin   (The telephone rings)

A:  Yes?  Who is in the middle of the night?
M:  It is me, Alexis.  Matteo.
A:  Who Matteo?
M:  ...  The prime minister of Italy!
A:  A, you are!  How do you do?
M:  I...
A:  Don’t say you want to declare war to Greece?  The answer is NO!
M:  What?  What are you...
A:  I scream Kamenos right away.  (To some other person in the room)  Pagona, take me Pano on the telephone!
M:  No Alexis, you have misunderstood me.  I don’t want go to war.  Especially against a Schaeuble’s vassal.
A:  ... Ha!  The good that I want from you!  We Greeks...
M:  There is another reason...
A:  ...  OK...  You wake me up anyway.  Tell me what is bother you.
M:  I have the results of the referendum...
A:  Refe...?  Oh ya, the referendum!  I have forgot this.  Well, tell me how it goes?
M:  They have voted NO!  60%, NO...
A:  Really?!  Have you heard, Pagona?  (He starts to sing)  Forward the damned of the Earth...
M:  Alexis!  Come on!  I am desperate...
A:  Where?...  Why?
M:  What will Angela and Draghi say about me?...
A:  They will shake their heads...  probably...  I don’t no.  Let them worry about these.
M:  I think to quit...
A:  What?  No!  Don’t destroy the... the piazza!
M:  What else can I do?
A:  Hemmm...
M:  Well.  I wanted to ask you...  How you manage to change the result of your referendum from OKHI to NE?
A:  Was the result of my referendum, OKHI???
M:  ?...
A:  For see!...  Pagona...  (To himshelf) Where did she go?
M:  Oh please tell me!  As an ancient Roman I seek the wisdom from the Greece...
A:  He?
M:  ... once again!
A:  But it’s easy.  First you make a statement and you say that the Democracy has won.
After you wait three days and then you start normally to do what you want.
M:  Does this works?
A:  Hem, sorry.  I meant what Merkel wants.
M:  And does this work?
A:  Why don’t work?  This is the default.  Doing what Mekel wants.
M:  Right, but...
A:  So, why to not work?
M:  Because the NO in our referendum has to do with what Merkel don’t want.
A:  Yes, and that’s why, why you change it for the right thing.
M:  Hmmm...  You know...
A:  Yes?
M:  For ancient Greek you have a very intrigued perspective about Republic...
A:  Yes, it is!
M:  And about referendums...
A:  Hey, between you and me.  Do you want a gossip about Trump?
M:  Shoot!
Α:  Shoot what?
M:  I mean tell me!
A:  Ah, but you must to remain grave!
M:  What?
A:  Remain...  I mean you don’t must to tell it to anyone.
M:  I ‘m confused...  Anyway, I will not tell it to anyone.
A:  OK.  Donald will drive a referendum about to stay USA in NATO or not!
M:  !...  Impossible!
A:  Oh yes!
M:  How do you know this?
A:  He told me to myself!  When I telephone to him to congratulate him for winning the erection.
M:  ?... The election?
A:  Yes!
M:  But, why to do a such thing?
A:  Because everybody done now referendums!

Δυστυχώς ως εδώ έχουμε μπορέσει να καθαρίσουμε τον ήχο.  Και για τα προηγούμενα, δυστυχώς, δεν βάζουμε το χέρι μας στην φωτιά.
Μόλις αποκρυπτογραφήσουμε κι άλλα, ίσως σάς ενημερώσουμε.

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